Seminar Series

CATCH Seminar Series

This is a monthly online seminar series which hosts talks on CATCH related topics with the aim of fostering engaging scientific discussions between researchers on outstanding questions for our communities. This is open to researchers at all stages of their careers and we hope this seminar series provides researchers with the opportunity to interact and encourage potential future collaborations.


If you are interested in joining, please register for upcoming seminars below. If you are interested in presenting a topic, please contact Hélène Angot

Upcoming seminars

Snowpack NOx emissions on the Tibetan Plateau
Register in advance for this meeting HERE  

Past seminars

Investigating phase partitioning of speciated atmospheric organic compounds during the Alaskan wintertime
Register in advance for this meeting HERE  

Long-term changes in black carbon at Zeppelin and its impact on clouds
Register in advance for this meeting HERE  

On the preservation of nitrate isotopes at Summit Greenland and implications for ice-core record interpretation
Register in advance for this meeting HERE  

Vertical and horizontal distribution of reactive bromine in the springtime Arctic
Register in advance for this meeting HERE  

Sources and drivers of size-resolved aerosol in Svalbard
Register in advance for this meeting HERE

The role of sea salt aerosol in polar climate
Register in advance for this meeting HERE

"Atmospheric sulfate formation pathways from its 17O-excess signature: theory and cryospheric applications"

"Snow Chemistry: from molecules to the natural environment"

"Modelling Arctic halogen emissions from snow & impacts on atmospheric chemistry"

"The case for preservation of nitrate in snow and ice at Summit, Greenland"

"Shining a light on dirty ice: Microspectroscopic insights into pollutant fate in the cryosphere"

"Dust from cold places: what we know and what we don't about High Latitude Dust"

"Sea ice biogeochemistry - links to atmospheric composition"

"Cold-loving critters: Where do Arctic microbes come from and what do they have to do with clouds?"

"Aerosol-cloud interactions in the Arctic from an observational and modelling perspective."