CATCH aims to engage and support scientists that focus on:
How physical, chemical, biological, and ecological changes in the polar oceans, sea ice, and snow impact atmospheric chemistry
How atmosphere-ocean interactions determine atmospheric chemistry
Understanding feedbacks between cryospheric climate change and atmospheric chemistry
How aerosols are formed and processed in cold regions
Aerosols and their role in cloud formation
Using ice core records to understanding past atmospheric composition
CATCH scientists achieve these objectives by designing joint projects in the field, lab, and via modeling studies as well as collaborating across disciplines.
CATCH takes advantage of the inherently international nature of Polar and cold region research. CATCH addresses overarching science questions that are not achievable by any single nation. To do this, CATCH helps to:
Coordinate international & transdisciplinary research projects
Foster and engage the science community
Encourage long term planning
Engage & train early career scientists
Engage the public & stakeholders